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Facebook hacked, No data compromised

Its the news around the world that the Facebook employees computers was attacked by certain people. The employees whose laptops were hacked were running the latest & updated anti-virus software as well as updated OS & softwares. But Facebook said the hacker used  a "zero day" exploit, or a malicious software that had never been used before, making it impossible for security tools to stop it. The attack occurred when employees visited an infected website belonging to a mobile developer. Read more
February 16, 2013

How to Set an SSH Login Message

Isn't it good to put a message to everyone who login to your server via SSH? Especially a legal message?Login as root via SSH.Enter the following command: pico /etc/motd Enter your message, save and exit.After that, If any users login to SSH, they will see the message you have typed!This is the message I have entered to all my servers I have, You can use it too. ALERT! You are entering  into a secured area! Your IP, Login Time, Username has been noted and has been sent to the server administrator! This Read more
July 9, 2012